It’s always time to Go Indie Now.

Joe Compton very kindly interviewed me a month ago. Joe runs/owns/publishes/creates/”does magic” over at the GoIndieNow website. His YouTube channel now has the “Time to GoIndieNow Episode 21” up for viewing. It is a wonderful video that features Independent Writers and artists.

Here is his blurb for the latest video:

“Welcome to “Time to GoIndieNow”. This is Episode 21 of the flagship show but the first with it’s brand new more “grown up” title. 21 is a number synomas with upping the stakes but also maturing into roles that don’t always allow your creative energy to be focused in one area. In some sense we are all part timers, while we may give everything to our art we do have a sense to live our lives and enjoy moments that aren’t always about art. That is an important distinction and a line we all must and need to draw.” Joe Compton, 2017.

If you check out the video description, you will find Joe links to all the indie artists’ media sites and provides all their contact details. How wonderful is that? The Indie community is such an amazing support group. Thanks, Joe.

If you are impressed with Joe then please reach out and tell him. You can find him here (see that? I’m copying Joe):

  • Twitter: @JoeDream73
  • Website:
  • Facebook:
  • YouTube Channel:

If you want to skip right to my interview then click here but the entire video is worth viewing. The video quality of my interview is my fault for using such a cheap-bum video camera thing-me-bob. Joe does a wonderful job hiding me, lol. I should invest in a new video camera…

In other news, I should hit 50K in NaNoWriMo today. Another shout out to the MLs for the Ottawa NaNoWriMo gang!