The Dorset Book Detective was kind enough to want to interview me. The interview can be found here. Many thanks to Hannah Stevenson for approaching me to do it. It’s always a pleasure to talk about me, me, me. Haha! Just kidding. It actually makes me cringe a little inside. BUT, it does get the word out about my New Druids series.
In other news, I am just shy of 40K words in NaNoWriMo for my fourth novel, Freamhaigh. I am loving that NaNoWriMo forces me to commit to 50K words for the month. It’s just the right amount of chutzpah to motivate me. My last novel dragged in my writing and as such, I was very late in publishing it. No more! Freamhaigh is scheduled for an early May 2018 release at this rate. That’s my goal and I will stick to it. Promise!
I would like to shout out to the Ottawa Chapter for NaNoWriMo. The MLs planned and hosted a couple of write-ins at some local Barrhaven cafes. Great atmosphere for writing. I also now have heard more about female superheroes than I ever did. Thanks, ladies!