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Freamhaigh wins GOLD!

I am very pleased to report that Freamhaigh, Volume 4 of my New Druids series, has won the GOLD award from the Dan Poynter’s Global eBook Awards (GeBA) 2019 in the category Fantasy/Other Worlds.

Link to announcement: http://globalebookawards.com/2019-global-ebook-award-winners/

This is my fourth award from GeBA: three golds and one bronze. It makes me so incredibly happy to win awards. It validates my writing and pleases me to no end. I’ll be insufferable for a month now!

My thanks to the GeBA organisation for once again honouring me.

Freamhaigh Review

The Red-Headed Book Lover has graced me again, this time with a review of Freamhaigh. Honestly, this woman humbles me with her praise. So, of course, I have to tell everyone! Click here to read the review.

Here are my favourite lines from her review:

Many comparisons could be made to world-renowned books and tv shows because Freamhaigh and the previous three books are of the same high standard.


Freamhaigh can easily be compared to Game of Thrones and even the Lord of the Rings series because they all have one thing in common: an entertaining, well-developed story that will make readers lose sleep because of how gripping the story is!

Wow. That’s praise I can get behind!

Let me know if you agree.

Freamhaigh: Pre-Order

Available now for Pre-Order. Publishing on May 31st, 2018!

>>> Click Here <<<

Freamhaigh concludes the Will Arbor storyline in the New Druids series of epic fantasy novels.

The realm of Belkin is now in open civil war. The southern county of Turgany rises up to try to defeat the self-proclaimed President and end his tyrannical rule.

Will Arbor, Freamhaigh to the druids, must find a way to counter the threat of Erebus. Gaea has been wounded and her powers have become unstable. Meanwhile, the Sect of the Church of the New Order rises from the ashes with greater powers and threatens to destroy the unstable harmony of the Realm.

Will Arbor and the druids are all that stands between Erebus and the land of Belkin. Will has grown as a druid and still struggles to come to terms with being the Freamhaigh. As forces race to an exciting conclusion, Will must be ready to accept his role and make a difference for all he holds dear.


Freamhaigh First Draft Completed

I am pleased to report that my first draft of Freamhaigh, Volume Four of the New Druids series was completed on 1 April (and that’s not an April Fools prank). I’m sitting at 95K words and that’s perfect I think. I’ve started the Second Draft and finally managed to get the compiler of Scrivener 3 to produce something reasonably close to my old published formats. That’s quite the relief for me; Scrivener 3 is a beautiful program but the new compiler is simply not user-friendly. Now I know I can produce a novel I can publish.Other

I can confirm that Freamhaigh completes the Will Arbor main storyline. I find it quite amazing that the story I envisaged over four years ago is now completed. As I wrote it filled and swelled and now the work is done. Of course, I have created a large world and I have started a new storyline in the last novel and push it off in Freamhaigh. The New Druids is a series and I will keep writing them so long as I have something to write about.

I am pleased with Freamhaigh. The conclusion of the Will Arbor story worked out better than I hoped and I had one of those “wow” moments when all the little threads I had put in the novels came together. It started as a “what if” kind of idea, I had a confrontation in mind, and that grew to four novels. I hope everyone likes what I created. It may surprise some readers, but I if you’ve read my novels you probably should have seen it coming!

Other News: I have confirmed some excellent Beta Readers for Freamhaigh and sent them my other novels. Their enthusiasm warms my heart and I hope to get the Second Draft in their hands by end of April. Once I have their feedback and make corrections I can push to get to Final Draft. I plan to publish end-May 2018.

Website: Yeah, I know. It sucks right now. I’m working on it but my skills are not leet. It’s an upward climb. Please be patient.

Thanks for reading.


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