Category: Duilleog Volume One Page 5 of 8

The First Volume in the New Druids Series.

Duilleog is now available for sale!

Duilleog: A New Druids Novel, Volume One

Duilleog: A New Druids Novel, Volume One

The first novel of the New Druids Novels, Duilleog, is now available for purchase in all eBook formats:

Kindle Version on

Kindle version on

Kobo version on

Smashwords versions (all eBook formats)

I am working on the paperback version on CreateSpace; however, it will be at least until August 2015 before I can get it proofed and out there for purchase.

Duilleog is Back with the Editor

Duilleog: A New Druids Novel, Volume One

Duilleog: A New Druids Novel, Volume One

Duilleog is back with the editor. Nikki Rae over at Metamorphosis Editing Services did an excellent job at cleaning up the typos, syntax and formatting errors and helped me identify some really serious point of view issues I had failed to recognise. I’m such a noob.  It only goes to show that writing takes practice and without it you suffer.

If I am lucky I will have the second look-over completed in a couple of weeks, made the last corrections, and then I will be able to publish for the Kindle. This will be followed by the Nook, Smashwords and Kobo versions. eBooks are extremely easy to create and having a program like Scrivener makes it more so.

For those wanting an actual paperback of the story, I’m sorry, but you will need to wait a little bit as I sort out the formatting. When you self-publish the author has to do all the work for formatting the book and creating the cover. You could pay for someone to do that for you but that is just more money. And, anyway, I consider my designing skills to be “not too bad” and I am proud of my designed covers. Formatting for Amazon CreateSpace is a simple process but it takes time, attention to all the little details, and it is all online and you won’t really know if you got it right until you get your hands on the author copy to verify the product before letting it go to print. All this takes time, time, and more time (and the delays due to snail mail). So maybe mid-July for the paperback version?

So exciting!


Jamie Oliver Change

Jamie Oliver’s Change  Folks, you need to sign this petition! This is a good thing!

The Final Revision Is In The Works


Red ink sucks!

The final revision is in the works! My editor returned my manuscript and I am digging in. The revision is not too bad. Less work than I thought except for Part Two. That section has a point of view flaw that I need to fix and it will be a timely one.  No worries though. That is what revisions are all about: making sure the story is ready for print.

Best case scenario is looking at perhaps a month of work. Then I need to decide if I return the manuscript to the editor for a last ‘once over’.

Anyway, I have a move back to Canada to plan. School work to focus on. A new job to consider in Ottawa. Many things on my plate. So say we all.


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