I am pleased to report that my first draft of Freamhaigh, Volume Four of the New Druids series was completed on 1 April (and that’s not an April Fools prank). I’m sitting at 95K words and that’s perfect I think. I’ve started the Second Draft and finally managed to get the compiler of Scrivener 3 to produce something reasonably close to my old published formats. That’s quite the relief for me; Scrivener 3 is a beautiful program but the new compiler is simply not user-friendly. Now I know I can produce a novel I can publish.Other
I can confirm that Freamhaigh completes the Will Arbor main storyline. I find it quite amazing that the story I envisaged over four years ago is now completed. As I wrote it filled and swelled and now the work is done. Of course, I have created a large world and I have started a new storyline in the last novel and push it off in Freamhaigh. The New Druids is a series and I will keep writing them so long as I have something to write about.
I am pleased with Freamhaigh. The conclusion of the Will Arbor story worked out better than I hoped and I had one of those “wow” moments when all the little threads I had put in the novels came together. It started as a “what if” kind of idea, I had a confrontation in mind, and that grew to four novels. I hope everyone likes what I created. It may surprise some readers, but I if you’ve read my novels you probably should have seen it coming!
Other News: I have confirmed some excellent Beta Readers for Freamhaigh and sent them my other novels. Their enthusiasm warms my heart and I hope to get the Second Draft in their hands by end of April. Once I have their feedback and make corrections I can push to get to Final Draft. I plan to publish end-May 2018.
Website: Yeah, I know. It sucks right now. I’m working on it but my skills are not leet. It’s an upward climb. Please be patient.
Thanks for reading.
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